The road to financial wellness can seem daunting and unattainable if you try to take on too much all at once. If the thought of financial planning makes you nervous or anxious, chances are you probably have money issues. It is time to start planning and brushing up on how money works.
To begin, let’s take a moment to look over your work patterns.
• Are you working full or part-time?
• Do you want to work more hours?
• Are you looking to work a second job or start a business?
The possibilities are nearly endless, and the key is to decide and then take action. If you aren’t making enough money, there are some ways you can earn more money, many of which you can implement this month. You can: ask for a raise, secure a new job that pays better, obtain a part time job, start a blog and promote affiliate products, reduce your expenses, teach online courses, sell items from thrift stores, etc. There are so many ways to generate more money that go beyond just your day job.
Next, take a look at your debt and saving habits.
• Are you saving and investing?
• Do you have credit cards?
• Do you have credit card debt?
If you are not investing or saving, it is time to start! Saving money can help you become financially secure and provide a safety net in case of an emergency. Take some time to assess your credit card habits. Get out all of your credit card statements and see how much you owe. Are you in debt? If yes, do you have a plan to get out of debt? Making a plan to pay off all of your debt as soon as possible is a crucial step towards financial wellness.
Now, let’s take a look into your past.
• Did your parents tell you that money is the root of all evil?
• Does thinking of money freak you out because of it?
If you grew up with a negative outlook on money, chances are you may still be feeling that way. It’s time to do some research and turn your money attitude around. You can do it. Make financial wellness a priority. You do not want to retire financially broke, nor do you want to remain in a financial situation where one emergency or one unexpected event could send you in a financial tail-spin.
All of these questions added up will help you when creating your wealth building framework, which I have attached to help get you started. Read more about what a wealth building framework is in my last blog post here.
Download your Wealth Building Framework. Send Now
To Your Wellness
P.S. For more info on Financial Wellness Grab yourself a copy of The Wellnesses Lifestyle HERE.
Have a Blessed and Wellness Day