
Health & Wellness Coaching

Here are some things to consider:

Your body has been created to heal itself?

It’s God’s will and desire that you be healed, well and whole?

Having knowledge does not necessarily equal  change without Implementation?

Did you know that making a change without the right support, system and accountability is extremely difficult?

We are all “bio-individuals” …  what works for me may not work for you?

There could be an underlying reason that you are stuck in YOUR cycle of ill health 

Did you know as a Holistic Wellness and Life  Coach, I would support you in making changes in your life-style choices?

Why Hire a Health/Life Coach?

#1 There is more to healthy living than the food you eat? There are 7 pillars that affect your health

#2 Physicians don’t always have the time or the resources to work with their patients to help them build an effective healthy lifestyle.

#3 Health Coaches help fill that gap in our current Healthcare System

Working with a Coach is not about acquiring more self-discipline or will power.  It’s about personally discovering what nourishes you, what feeds you and ultimately what makes your life extraordinary.

~Joshua Rosenthal~

Get Well Discovery Consultation

  • Discover wellness goals and roadblocks.
  • Design a mindful and spirited lifestyle.
  • In-person, Online/Video chat, by phone
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Wellness Coaching Packages

These packages are way for you to take a deeper dive into what ails you. You are not a robot and my unique approach to wellness and health is like none other.  If you are ready to make a change then select your package and let’s begin your Journey 2 Wellness.  A descriptions of the screenings that are available. Choose the package that fits your desired health needs. If you are still unsure schedule your Get Well Discovery Consultation.

Hormone and Metabolic Health Screening– This screening is looking at your hormones like estrogen, cortisol, progesterone and others to determine their balance or imbalance. When out of balance your metabolic system is affected and symptoms appear.  

Metabolic Profile Screening– This screening is looking at your digestion, detoxification and oxidative stress. Three important markers to your well-being.

Gut permeability Screening– The gut is the portal to general health and wellness. Sometimes, when we’re not feeling optimal, there might be things going on in our gut that need to be looked at more closely. This screening shines a light on areas such as inflammation and permeability, often referred to as “Leaky Gut.

Gut Pathogen Screening– Sometimes, when we’re not feeling optimal, there might be things going on in our gut that need to be looked at more closely. Gut Bugs/pathogens could be living their best life inside your gut. This screening helps us identify who is stopping you from living your best life.

Food Sensitivity Screening– This test is the only invasive screening done at a lab. Gives insight into 170 inflammation-provoking foods that could be causing you pain and discomfort.

Metabolic Diet Type Screening– The only objective screening giving insight to your metabolic type and identifying the foods unique to you. Helps you reduce pain,  inflammation and gut discomfort which can lead to weight loss.

Nutritional hair analysis Screening–  Is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair. ​This reveals a unique look into the metabolic world of intracellular activity. Nutrient loss from the body can become so advanced that severe health conditions can develop without any appreciable changes noted in those same nutrient levels in a blood test.  Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process.

Program # 5... Home Detoxification

Did you know that most products used  use to clean your home could potentially be toxic?  Do you use products like Febreze, pine-sol or Glade Fresheners to remove odors from your home?  This is a contributor to your well-being being affected.  I will then give you recommendations on what to replace them with so your home is safe and toxic free. Are you ready to Detox not only your body but your home?

I'm Ready, Watch Video Now!