As we age, our bodies are the first thing to change. Have you ever felt like the activities you once loved doing are now beyond your reach? Maybe you are feeling stagnant and stiff, or you have no energy. Maybe you have gained a few extra pounds each year, and now the activities you used to love doing feel just a bit harder.
If these things sound like you, chances are your physical wellness is being attacked. Physical wellness has been defined as promoting proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. Let’s face facts—the body you used to have is not the same body you have today, but that doesn’t have to stop you from doing the things you love!
In order to get past the feelings of physical unrest, we need to explore the three main categories of physical wellness: Nutrition, exercise, and sleep/rest.
Nutrition: Nutrition provides us with the fuel we need to engage in day-to-day operations. Without proper nutrition, your body is unable to run smoothly and efficiently. There are five categories of nutrients to consider when addressing your nutrition: Carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Grab my free report that goes in-depth with these nutrients
- Exercise: Movement is vital in the prevention of stiffness as you age. Movement helps to keep our joints more supple and ready for movement, similar to the way oil lubricates the engine of a car. Exercise also helps to strengthen your muscles, increase muscle mass, and increase endorphins (those “feel good” hormones). Not only will exercise help you look better, it will help you feel better too.
Sleep/Rest: You need adequate rest because it allows your mind and body to relax. Resting helps your body heal and rejuvenate, slowing down aging and repairing cells in the process. When we are sleeping, we are increasing our human growth hormones, which is important in slowing the aging process. It also decreases our insulin production, which helps our bodies process sugar and carbohydrates more efficiently.
Physical wellness is a critical piece of our overall wellness foundation, and addressing each of these categories is a great way to set yourself up on the path of physical rejuvenation. If you want to feel younger, look better, and reverse the signs of aging, you must address your physical wellness.
Chances are, this needs to start with weight loss. If you are tired of letting your weight control your life and are ready to take back your health and wellness, then you need to pick up my Done-For-You Weight Loss System HERE.
This system will not only address each of the three categories of physical wellness, it will also get you on the right track towards weight loss as well.
Whether you are 20 or 70, it is important to take time to address your physical wellness and make sure you are living a well-balanced life.
To Your Wellness
P.S. For more info on Physical Wellness Grab yourself a copy of The Wellnesses Lifestyle HERE.
Have a Blessed and Wellness Day